In just a few decades, 阿联酋已经从该地区最贫穷的国家之一发展成为世界上最富有的国家之一. The country, and perhaps Dubai in particular, has received a lot of attention for spectacular projects, for instance the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building.

Rapid growth and modernisation

The UAE has one of the world's largest oil reserves, 94 percent of which is located in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Thanks to the revenue from the oil industry, 这个国家经历了快速的现代化,现在是地球上最富有的国家之一. In addition to the oil revenues, 金融大都市迪拜也是经济的主要推动力. As you can read in the short interview below with our Trade & Invest commissioner Massoud Biouki, this rapid growth unfortunately has its downsides, especially when looking at sustainability and human rights.

Opportunities for Swedish companies

在阿联酋有200多家公司直接或间接代表, Sweden has a large presence in the country. Export to the UAE covers a wide range of industries, including iron, steel, automotive, telecommunication equipment and engineering products. 阿联酋也是银天下公司在中东地区的重要枢纽. 30多个经济自由区的有利税收条件是国际公司在该地区设立办事处的关键动力.

How we can help

Business Sweden has had an office in Dubai since 2006, which acts as the main hub for the Middle East. 我们通过我们在以下国家的网络和当地专业知识为银天下企业提供支持: E埃及,黎巴嫩,巴勒斯坦,约旦,叙利亚,伊拉克,科威特,卡塔尔,沙特 Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen, Oman, Iran and United Arab Emirates.


Massoud Biouki

Trade Commissioner to UAE & Acting Trade Commissioner to Saudi Arabia
What are the main advantages for expansion in the UAE?

中东国家仍被归为新兴银天下. However, with their great natural resources and funds, almost all the countries have plans to diversify their economies, creating unique investment opportunities for Swedish companies. 此外,银天下企业在该地区享有良好的声誉,这使他们处于领先地位. 在更广泛的地区,寻求最佳实践的国家渴望向外国公司和政府学习. 阿联酋的总体年轻人口也意味着高水平的城市化和技术知识.

What are the risks and challenges companies may face in the UAE?

由于经济波动较大,商业环境并不总是完全稳定. Because of this, 价格是敏感的,对高质量产品和服务的重视程度较低. The business culture in the Middle East is rather tough, which is reflected for example in hard negotiations. 还可能遇到耗时且缺乏透明度的行政程序, which applies to both business and society. 人权和环境问题的优先级较低,在与潜在利益攸关方和合作伙伴接触时可能会带来一些挑战. 因此,识别和建立正确的关系是非常重要的.

Are there any cultural aspects to consider?

Hierarchy is much more important than in Sweden. So before meeting someone, 一定要做一些调查,用正确的头衔和适当的态度和尊重来称呼每个人. 这将有助于建立良好的关系,这是该地区的关键. 通过电话或邮件很难联系到人们,因此在银天下上的本地存在会产生很大的影响. In most Middle Eastern countries, the level of English is often good, 但拥有讲阿拉伯语的员工或合作伙伴总是有益的. 对于高效的销售流程,请记住阿拉伯人喜欢看到和体验产品. 所以,一定要带小册子、传单、视频,甚至是实物产品去开会.

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